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116th SLTC Conference 2013
- Atkin Memorial Lecture:
"Life in the leather industry need not be the pits"
Hugh Gilmour, Managing Director, W.J.& W.Lang Limited
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- A social history of leather workers: An anthropological study of Japanese and British tanners Followed by special white tanning: using only rice husk and vegetable oil.
Yuko Nishimura/Mr. Kashiwa
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- Biocide Regulations – Implications for the Leather Industry
Elton Hurlow, Buckman Laboratories, USA
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- Oxidative unhairing - a sustainable view of the process
Gustavo Defeo
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- Enzymes in the Leather Industry
Bob Wyss and Jens Fennen, TFL
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- Operational excellence via Employee Engagement
Rumon Hankey, Inspired Management Solutions
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- The Leather Industry in the 21st Century
Simon Yarwood, World Trades Publishing
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- Bespoke Functional Surface Decoration for Leather
Peter Laight, The Identity Store
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- REaCH – The Latest Developments
John Hubbard, Satra
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