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Professional Grade Awards
One of the advantages of belonging to the Society is that you are entitled to apply for a Professional Grade. This allows you, if you satisfy the requirements (see Criteria for Professional Grade award), to add qualification letters behind your name and to add these to your curriculum vitae because they are recognised throughout the industry.
A Certificate is awarded to the successful applicants, and these are presented at the Annual Conference.
There are three levels of Professional Grade for which members of the SLTC are encouraged to apply: Licentiate, Associate or Fellow. The applicant must be over eighteen years old and Council will review each application. Any award of a Professional Grade will depend on academic publications, industrial experience and length of continual membership of the Society. It is expected that qualified leather technologists, technicians and scientists working within the leather industry will apply for a Professional Grade. The Society also wishes to encourage newly qualified students or more experienced members, who may not be directly working in a technical role or scientific discipline, to apply. The decision of Council is final and binding and is not under any obligation to give grounds for the decision. Any applicant for Professional Grading must be a fully paid-up member of the SLTC.
The cost for application is as follows:
Licentiate (LSLTC) £30.00 (£65.00 for Parchment Certificate)
Associate (ASLTC) £40.00 (£65.00 for Parchment Certificate)
Fellow (FSLTC) £65.00 for Parchment Certificate
How to apply:
Application for Licentiateship (LSLTC) Any member of the Society who has been a member for a minimum of two years may apply for the Licentiate grade. Student members are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants also may be graduates, have an equivalent qualification, or experience that is acceptable to Council. It may be necessary for the applicant to be interviewed by Council representatives. In some cases, academic qualifications may need to be supported by a submitted dissertation on a topic previously approved by Council. An applicant will require to submit two sponsors who are current members of the SLTC.
- Application for Associateship (ASLTC) An applicant for Associateship should fulfil the requirements of the Licentiate grade and in addition have worked within the leather industry and have been a member of the Society for a minimum of three years. A detailed current CV must be submitted, which documents the applicant’s work and responsibilities. This may include published papers, lectures given, industrial experience, any further studies, additional qualifications and achievements relevant to their career and profession within the leather industry. An applicant will require to submit two sponsors who are current members of the SLTC and one sponsor who is a current member of Council.
Application for Fellowship (FSLTC) An applicant for Fellowship should fulfil the requirements of both Licentiate and Associate and have been a member of the society for ten years. The applicant will also have worked within the leather industry for ten years and display a professional maturity in science, technology or commercial management. Applicants not meeting the length of time for membership requirement may be considered for the Fellowship award, at the discretion of Council, if it is deemed that they qualify because of their professional achievements. An applicant will require to submit two sponsors who are current members of the society and one sponsor who is a current member of Council.
When a member resigns from membership of the SLTC, the professional grading must be removed from letter headings, business cards and equivalent within twelve months. If an applicant re-joins the society and wishes to re-apply for a Professional Grade, a minimum period of two years must be served before re-application. If membership lapses by nonpayment of subscription, unintentionally or unavoidably, the Society will give sympathetic consideration to the applicant, on re-joining, regarding re-awarding a previously held Professional Grade. The re-joining member must request the re-instatement of the award by writing. The final decision to re-award by Council will be binding.
The Society prefer, if possible, to present professional grading awards during the AGM. Other arrangements for presentation are possible if the applicant cannot attend the conference or the AGM in UK or South Africa for some reason.